dilluns, 31 de maig del 2010


Ferran Illa : He talks about Food in Briatin. He was nervious, but I really like it.
Jordi Marias : He talks about Animals. He is very good.
Júlia Masó : He is good and interesting.
Francesc Rigau : He was a good. He didn't read and he is very interesting.
Ferran Veciana : He talks about Animals. He was nervious, but it's good.
Ivet Sànchez : He is a very good presentation, there is excellent.

dilluns, 10 de maig del 2010

The Weather

The weather is a very popular topic of conversation in Britain. That's because the weather changes a lot. When the weather is good, people complain that it's too hot. When it rains, they say it's too wet. When it isn't sunny, they say it's too cold.

The seasons in Britain are fairly clear. Winter lasts from December to February. Spring is from March to May. The summer months are June, July and August. Then the autumn September, October and November.

It's not surprising that Britain has got one of the most important weather centres in the world. Two huge supercomputers analyse information from many sources including satellites. This is very different from some of the early weather forecasts. This is the first one published in The Times in 1879. Scientists at the Met Office make weather forecasts for the public and for special purposes miltray, shipping, airlines and many others. The computers can predict the tropical storms and hurricanes that cause so much damage around the world. The trouble is weather changes very quickly and so nobodyever believes the weather forecast.


British people read a lot. They read books, newspapers and magazines. And of course they read text messages on their mobile phones. A quarter of the population reads more than 20 books each year.

In this library you can borrow books but you can also buy a cup of coffee, look at an art exhibition, sit in a quiet study area or connect to the Internet. You can also borrow CDs, videos and DVDs of films and television programmes. There are often reference rooms where you can go to look something up or go to study. Libraries are very important in schools and universities both for study and for reading for pleasure.

The British Library is one of the world's greatest libraries. The Queen opened its new building in 1998. People predicted that radio, then television, then the Internet would kill reading, but it is still a very popular activity.

British sports

At the weekend in Britain, millions of people take part in some kind of sporting activity. Even more people spend part of the weekend watching sport. From August to April football is everywhere. The top level of the game is professional football in the Premiership. The players train every morning. Football is played in schools and as a leisure activity. Both girls and boys play.

Cricket is the main summer sport in Britain. Local teams play in towns and villages every Saturday and Sunday from April to September.

Tennis is another popular sport, especially in the summer after the famous Wimbledon championships.